10 Indispensable Tricks for Telegram

Telegram is the most complete messaging application in the current market. Even though its user base is much smaller than that of WhatsApp, the popular application has a multitude of features that have little or nothing to do with Facebook’s concept. Bots, massive file sending, themes, etc. In this case, we have compiled several essential Telegram tricks to get the most out of it.

Choose Telegram Font

Telegram fonts

Like WhatsApp, Telegram allows you to customize the font in your conversations. The method for choosing between bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, and monospace is very similar to that of the Facebook proprietary application.

  • Bold text: **here goes the bold text**
  • Text in italics: __here goes the text in italics__
  • Monospace text: ‘here goes the monospace text’
  • Strikethrough text: ~~here goes the monospaced text~~.

An even simpler option is to select the text from the same text box. Telegram will then enable a drop-down menu with different text formats. From this same menu, you can switch between underlined text and even combine different text styles.

Install Themes on Telegram to Customize its Appearance

Telegram themes

Did you know that you can install third-party themes on Telegram from the official application? To download one of the themes compatible with the official application you will have to use the Themes for Telegram application, developed by a Spanish programmer.

Once the theme has been downloaded from the application, click on Apply to apply the Telegram appearance

To see all the themes installed in the application you will have to go to the Telegram settings, more specifically to the Chats section. Within this section, you can also change the appearance of the applied theme.

Add A Password to your Telegram Conversation

Telegram Lock

Like WhatsApp, Telegram allows you to protect access to conversations with a numeric password or PIN. To create a password you need to go to the Security and Privacy section from the application settings. In this section, you will find the Passcode Lock.

Now all you have to do is set up a numerical key or configure one of the alternative unlocking methods (fingerprint, facial unlocking, etc).

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Solve Mathematical Operations on Telegram


Telegram bots open up a whole range of possibilities within the application. One of the most interesting bots in the application is @calcubot, a small tool that serves as a calculator to perform mathematical operations of any complexity.

To call this bot, you can use two methods. The simplest is to write “@calcubot” in the conversation followed by the mathematical operation you want to solve. For example:

  • @calcubot 3/5
  • @calcubot 4+97
  • @calcubot 34*42

The robot will automatically solve the operation within the same text box of the application. It will also show all the steps followed by the calculator to solve the operation, something especially useful in operations with some resolution complexity. If what you want is to have an individual conversation within Telegram, @calcubot allows you to open an independent panel within the application to solve the operations indicated.

Transcribe Audio Notes to Text


@voicybot is another of the most interesting Telegram bots that can be found in the application. It is a tool that transcribes voice notes to text in the language you specify. Its operation is really simple, just indicate the transcription language and then send a voice memo through the application options.

From techidence.com, we recommend you keep a clear and high tone of voice to facilitate the transcription of the bot.

Hide Conversations on Telegram

Archived chats

Hide, archive, move, etc. Telegram allows you to remove conversations from the general list of conversations through the archiving function, just leave the conversation that you want to hide pressed and then select the option Archive from the three points in the upper right corner. Now the conversation will be stored in a separate place called Archived Chats.

To recover this conversation, you will have to access the corresponding element and mark the conversation using a method similar to the one just described.

Like Voice Notes, Send Video Notes

Video notes arrive as an alternative to traditional voice notes. In this case, the application enables one of the two cameras to record a small video clip on a floating window in the form of a circle.

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To enable this function, just tap the microphone next to the Telegram text box. The application will then change the microphone icon to a camera icon very similar to the one on Instagram. Finally, click and hold on to the icon to start the video recording.

Edit PDF Files and Documents on Telegram


Forget about third-party programs and pages of questionable sources. With @pdfbot you can edit any file with a PDF extension from the Telegram application itself.

The tool in question allows us to compare, crop, encrypt, combine, rotate, scale, and split documents and even add custom watermarks through simple commands. We can also extract photos and text and convert the file in question into a common image file and vice versa. The robot even allows users to convert a web page into PDF format through the native options it includes. Because of the number of options, it includes, it requires some learning to control all its functions.

Track your Orders on Telegram

MiTrackingBot is probably one of the best bots you can find on Telegram. As its name indicates, it is a tool that allows users to obtain detailed tracking of any package or order. The bot in question is compatible with dozens of companies (Post Office, DHL, MRW, Seur, Amazon, etc), so you can get information from virtually any transport agency.

Beyond the possibilities offered by the bot, its operation is really simple, just write the name of the transport agency followed by the tracking code to get the relevant information. The format you will have to follow is the following:

  • /transport company + tracking code

For example:

  • /mail 6726580376UFS)
  • /DHL 8748289050F3BSR2)

Once you enter the tracking number, the bot will allow you to store it in memory to get constant updates on the shipment through personalized notifications. To see the complete list of supported messaging services, we will need to enter the following command:

  • /help

List of Bots to Take Full Advantage of Telegram

Do you want to get even more out of Telegram? Currently, there are dozens of bots for the application. Here is a small list of some of the most useful robots that we can currently find on Telegram.

  • @aigis_bot
  • @advancedpollbot
  • @anonfileuploaderbot
  • @AlertBot
  • @Axenia_Bot
  • @atthemeglossarybot
  • @BetterTTSBot
  • @bacakubot
  • @BNoteBot
  • @bitbucket_bot
  • @calcit_bot
  • @bookmarchbot
  • @CaptionEdit_bot
  • @CalcuBot
  • @chatbridgebot
  • @Ch3UploadBot
  • @chotaurlbot
  • @chotamreaderbot
  • @cloud_convert_bot
  • @ComenBot
  • @cleanpostbot
  • @createAtthemeBot
  • @compilebot
  • @DetachBot
  • @design_bot
  • @Dlnewbot
  • @directionsbot
  • @dooxbot
  • @do2bot
  • @DropmailBot
  • @driveuploadbot
  • @dwgrambot
  • @DrWebBot
  • @el_monitorro_bot
  • @EditHistory_bot
  • @EuromillionsBot
  • @etlgr_bot
  • @ExchangeRatesBot
  • @evernoterobot
  • @fakemailbot
  • @Factornumbers_bot
  • @FBvidzBot
  • @feed_reader_bot
  • @Feedler_bot
  • @FileBot
  • @file_rename_bot
  • @filehashing_bot
  • @FileConvertBot
  • @filesbot
  • @files_sender_bot
  • @filestolinkbot
  • @filesrenamerbot
  • @filetobot
  • @FileX_bot
  • @FileUploaderBot
  • @folders_bot
  • @filezbot
  • @foldersbot
  • @ForwardsCoverBot
  • @forwarded_remover_bot
  • @g_ibot
  • @foursquare
  • @Gdriveit_bot
  • @gdprbot
  • @gdriveupme_bot
  • @gDriveManagerBot
  • @GenPwdBot
  • @GdriveXbot
  • @GithubNotificationsBot
  • @GitHubBot
  • @Glass_Btnbot
  • @gitlab_bot
  • @GoodQuoteBot
  • @GmailBot
  • @GoogleSearchRobot
  • @GoogleBookmarkBot
  • @Gozilla_bot
  • @gopublishbot
  • @GroupButlerEsp_bot
  • @gplinksbot
  • @HangsterBot
  • @H2PBBot
  • @HexToRgbBot
  • @HashIDentity_BOT
  • @HK_drive_BOT
  • @highspeedlinksbot
  • @HK_onedrive_BOT
  • @HK_dropbox_BOT
  • @home2bot
  • @HKPublicLinkBot
  • @HttpResponseBot
  • @httpcat_s_bot
  • @IFTTT
  • @i_am_friday_bot
  • @ImageUploadBot
  • @imageToText_bot
  • @InLaTeXbot
  • @imgsco_bot
  • @instantsoundbot
  • @inlinemapsbot
  • @IntergramBot
  • @integram_bot
  • @IP_ScannerBot
  • @ioubankerbot
  • @iShortURLBot
  • @ip_tools_bot
  • @itimer_bot
  • @IsServerOnlineBOT
  • @JoboBot
  • @job_bot
  • @JPG2PDFBot
  • @JournalistBot
  • @jsondumpmtprotobot
  • @JsonDumpBot
  • @justplants_bot
  • @JsonDumpyprotoBot
  • @LarynxBot
  • @KonvBot
  • @LinkForFilebot
  • @LatexBot
  • @LinkgramBot
  • @LinkGeneratorBot
  • @LogoMakerUzb_bot
  • @LinkToFilesBot
  • @MACLBot
  • @LyricsGramBot
  • @mathallbot
  • @markdowndevbot
  • @mediauploader_bot
  • @MathCalcBot
  • @megadlbot
  • @MediaUploaderBot
  • @MessagesPDFBot
  • @MemeAutobot
  • @MetricsBot
  • @MonitorBot_bot
  • @MiTrackingBot
  • @MTProxybot
  • @multifeed_edge_bot
  • @myinstantsbot
  • @myproxybot
  • @NewTodoListBot
  • @nmr_LinkBot
  • @nnbbot
  • @opus2audio_bot
  • @OSMbot
  • @PackagistBot
  • @passgenbot
  • @PCREBot
  • @pcypher_bot
  • @Pdf2imgbot
  • @pdfpreviewbot
  • @photo2pdf_bot
  • @pitacobot
  • @Premium_TheFeedReaderBot
  • @previews
  • @pstrbot
  • @PublicDownloadLinkBot
  • @PushitBot
  • @PushNoticeBot
  • @pypipbot
  • @PyroJsonDumpBot
  • @QRCode_Ro_Bot
  • @QRCodeRoBot
  • @QRcodesBot
  • @qrcrbot
  • @QueryMessageBot
  • @QuotLyBot
  • @ReadmeBot
  • @RedditBrowserBot
  • @redditdownloader_bot
  • @RedirectsBot
  • @remoteyoutubedl_bot
  • @renamebot
  • @RenameItBot
  • @Renamer_bot
  • @Renamerhbbot
  • @RenameTGBot
  • @returnjsonbot
  • @reverseSearchBot
  • @rextester_bot
  • @rfilesbot
  • @RgbToHexBot
  • @rgen_bot
  • @RLNBot
  • @RRemindersBot
  • @rss2tg_bot
  • @s2tbot
  • @safe_bot
  • @scsht_bot
  • @SecretgramBot
  • @SecureMasterTagAlert2Bot
  • @sedbbot
  • @sendme_bot
  • @server_monitor_bot
  • @shortenMyUrlBot
  • @Shortlink_Revealer_Bot
  • @shorturl_googl_bot
  • @ShortUrlBot
  • @shorturlinksbot
  • @ShowJsonBot
  • @ShowUpdateBot
  • @shrnamebot
  • @sitehunterbot
  • @SlackRobot
  • @SmartReaderBot
  • @smswaybot
  • @smtpbot
  • @socks5_bot
  • @SpamBot
  • @stackoverflow_telegram_bot
  • @storebot
  • @StringifyBot
  • @svgo_bot
  • @tastekidbot
  • @telegraph
  • @tenorbot
  • @TeURLbot
  • @TexifyBot
  • @textobot
  • @TgBg_Bot
  • @TGfilestolinkbot
  • @the_timezone_bot
  • @The_Trimmer_bot
  • @TheFeedReaderBot
  • @ThemePreviewBot
  • @ThemesPorterBot
  • @TheProtectBot
  • @TheReverseSearch_bot
  • @tlgurbot
  • @topdf_bot
  • @torrentleech_bot
  • @torrentobot
  • @tothemoonrobot
  • @TrabberBot
  • @TrafficRobot
  • @trans4mer_bot
  • @transcriber_bot
  • @transfershBot
  • @trashemail_bot
  • @TriggerResponseBot
  • @tthemebot
  • @TTrackbot
  • @TTSBot
  • @u2gd_bot
  • @ubervotebot
  • @uIDSbot
  • @UkDictBot
  • @uloadit_bot
  • @UN_R0BOT
  • @UnicornBayBot
  • @UnitConversionBot
  • @UnzipTGBot
  • @upfileiobot
  • @UploaditBot
  • @UploadMedia_Bot
  • @UploadsRobot
  • @UploadToImgurBot
  • @URL2IMGBot
  • @url_uploadbot
  • @URL_UploaderHB4Allbot
  • @urlprobot
  • @UrlShortyBot
  • @urluprobot
  • @UTFGBot
  • @utubebot
  • @VbotVbot
  • @virus_total_scan_bot
  • @VirusYabBot
  • @vote
  • @VS_Robot
  • @Weathery_robot
  • @webm2mp4bot
  • @WebpageBot
  • @webqc_bot
  • @weightbot
  • @whatwebbot
  • @whisperbot
  • @Whois_Bot
  • @WhoisBot
  • @wifimapbot
  • @wiki
  • @wikipedia_voice_bot
  • @WikipediaSummaryBot
  • @WikiRobot
  • @WMarkProBot
  • @wpuserenumerationbot
  • @WRbuttons_bot
  • @YandexWalletBot
  • @YogurlBot
  • @YourMDbot
  • @YtbAudioBot
  • @ZiperRoBot
  • @ZipperBot
  • @urlunshortener_bot

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