Apple launches on Wednesday 16th of September 2020 iOS 14 for all iPhones with iOS 13, in addition to models starting with iPhone 6S, including the first-generation iPhone SE. The update brings as highlights the addition of widgets to the phone’s home screen, the launch of the App Library, a kind of drawer of applications to facilitate the search for applications installed on the iPhone, and privacy features to know when an app accesses the camera, microphone or clipboard of the device.
The launch date was announced yesterday during Apple’s online event that revealed the eighth generation of the iPad and the fourth generation of the iPad Air, in addition to the new Apple Watch 6 and Apple Watch SE, a smartwatch with the purpose to be sold at a more affordable price. The download of iPadOS 14 and watchOS 7 should also be released today.
iOS 14 was announced in June during WWDC 2020, which was conducted virtually due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The release date was revealed yesterday, the same day Apple released the last beta edition of the update. The specialized blog Silicon Report warned on Instagram that it is better to be cautious with the update and wait about a week to download it on the smartphone since developers did not have enough time to test the latest version. Thus, there is a risk that some applications will not work or present bugs after the update.
Anyway, it is essential to make a backup before updating the iPhone, to ensure that you do not lose any important data during the procedure. It is also ideal to free up space on the mobile, deleting unnecessary files and applications that you no longer use, in addition to checking that there are no pending updates on the App Store.
How to download and install the iOS 14 update?
To download the iPhone update, just access “Settings”, go to general, and go to the “Software Update” section. On the next page, you will see information about the iOS 14 update, and you must select the “download and install” option to get the update.
iPhones that will receive iOS 14
- iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro, iPhone 11 Pro Max
- iPhone X, iPhone XR, iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max
- iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus
- iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus
- iPhone 6S, iPhone 6S Plus
- iPhone SE, iPhone SE 2
iOS 14 News
Some of the features announced by Apple for iOS 14 were already available for years on Android phones, rival Google’s system, such as widgets on the home screen and application drawer. But Apple’s OS has some differences: Smart Stack is a widget that uses AI to display useful services for the user, while the App Library gathers the programs installed on the smartphone in various categories, to facilitate the search for software.
Features focused on user privacy also draw attention. The tool that alerts when applications access data was successful when system testers caught several famous apps like Reddit, LinkedIn, and TikTok, accessing the smartphone clipboard without permission. Also, the App Store now displays the permissions requested by apps before installing them.
iOS 14 also launches the Translation application and brings updates to iMessage, Apple’s messenger. The App Clips also debuts on the iPhone, intending to be lighter “pieces” of apps to use on the phone without having to install them. iOS 14 also gains support for picture-in-picture players to watch videos in a floating window on the smartphone screen.
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