The Moto G8 Plus is a device launched by Motorola. The triple-camera phone that has similar specifications to the Galaxy A50, Samsung’s smartphone introduced in the country in April. Both feature a mid-range specification that includes an octa-core processor, as well as batteries of the same size and an Android 9 (Pie) system. The price, on the other hand, can change: depending on the store and the offers of the day, Moto G8 Plus costs up to $205 while the Galaxy A50 is being sold for $230. See the comparison below for all the differences between smartphones.
Galaxy A50 and Moto G8 Plus Datasheet
Samsung Galaxy A50 | Moto G8 Plus | |
Launch | April 2019 | October 2019 |
Current price | $230 | $205 |
Screen | 6.4 inches | 6.3 inches |
Screen resolution | Full HD + (1080 × 2340 pixels) | Full HD + (1080 x 2280 pixels) |
Processor | 8 cores up to 2.3 GHz (Exynos 9610) | 8 cores up to 2 GHz (Snapdragon 665) |
RAM | 4 GB | 4 GB |
Storage | 64 GB or 128 GB | 64 GB |
Memory card | microSD up to 512 GB | microSD up to 512 GB |
Main camera | Triple, 25, 8, and 5 MP | Triple, 48 MP, 16 MP, and 5 MP |
Front Camera | 25 MP | 25 MP |
Operating system | Android 9 (Pie) | Android 9 (Pie) |
Dimensions and weight | 158.5 x 74.7 x 7.7 mm; 166 grams | 158.4 mm X 75.8 mm X 9.1 mm; 188 grams |
Battery | 4,000 mAh | 4,000 mAh |
Colors | Blue, black and white | Sapphire blue and cherry |
Screen and Design
The mobile phones have a very similar look, especially in the front area, where they display screens with a notch and similar dimensions and settings: 6.3-inch IPS LCD on the G8 Plus Moto, and 6.4-inch Super AMOLED on the A50, both with Full HD+ resolution. In the back, they also have a similar arrangement in the cameras, with sensors aligned vertically. The first distinction appears in biometrics: while the G8 Plus features a fingerprint reader on the back, the A50 offers a more advanced solution for biometric identification directly on the screen.
Other differences arise when analyzing construction. Thicker and heavier, the Motorola mobile phone has glass in the front and back, making it more fragile but with a more sophisticated footprint. Samsung’s model, as well as most of the Galaxy A line in 2019, features a plastic coating, a material that gives more durability but leaves the phone looking simple and cheaper. Neither, it is worth remembering, has advanced certification for protection against water and dust.
Although both bring a triple camera, there are important differences in the types of lenses offered by each of the phones. On the Moto G8 Plus, there’s a 48 MP main sensor that combines four pixels in one to generate 12 MP photos and a 16 MP action camera dedicated exclusively to video – it’s similar to what comes in Motorola One Action. The Galaxy A50 has a 25 Megapixels main camera and an 8 MP sensor with an ultrawide lens to capture images at a greater angle.
The rest of the photographic specifications are very similar. Both have a 5 MP depth sensor and strictly equal lens apertures: f/1.7, f/2.2, and f/2.2. The selfie camera also repeats the technical details, with a 25 MP sensor and f/2 aperture. Considering the official information, the biggest difference is the ability to record action videos in the Moto G8 Plus and make more open pictures in the Galaxy A50.
Performance and Storage
Smartphones come with similar hardware too, but the Galaxy A50 can take advantage by bringing a slightly more powerful processor: its octa-core chip operates at up to 2.3 GHz, a little more than the maximum 2 GHz achieved by the eight-core component of the G8 Plus. Both bring 4GB RAM and 64GB storage with microSD expansion of up to 512GB. It is worth noting that Samsung sells another version of the A50 with 128 GB of internal space.
The mobile phones record in the datasheet batteries of the same capacity, 4,000 mAh. This number is translated into an estimated duration by Samsung alone: according to the A50 manufacturer, the mobile lasts up to 14 hours surfing on 4G and 15 hours on Wi-Fi. Motorola, on the other hand, simply says that the G8 Plus “follows your day”. Both feature fast charging support.
Android Version
Both the Moto G8 Plus and the Galaxy A50 run Android 9 (Pie), which is one of the latest versions of Google’s system, although it accounts for only 10% of the installation base. Motorola has already confirmed that your phone will receive an update for Android 10 but has not yet set a date. The arrival of the newest version of the software for the Galaxy A50, on the other hand, is uncertain.
Price and Availability
The Galaxy A50 has suffered a sharp reduction in price since it began to be sold. From the initials $300 for the 64 GB version, today it appears on Amazon for $279 with 128 GB while the 64GB version is being sold for $230.
More recently on the market, the price of the Moto G8 Plus has even dropped more when compared to the Galaxy A50: the Moto G8 Plus is being sold for around $205 on Amazon.
- Buy Galaxy A50
- Buy Moto G8 Plus
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