Chrome OS Flex: How to Install This Operating System On Any Computer

Despite the good performance of both Windows and macOS, many users have the desire to try other operating systems on their computers. Especially if they are easy to use and light in the interface, which is what always attracts the most attention. After quite some time, Google offers the possibility to officially install Chrome OS Flex on any PC in the world.

This is just a version of Chrome OS, the operating system developed by Google for its Chromebooks and whose interface is based on the web browser. Although there have been alternative methods to download it to other devices, this option allows you to do it officially and without great computer fuss. Let’s explain what you need and how the process works.

Chrome Flex OS Features

It does not have much mystery, because it incorporates the same functions as the edition for Chromebook, with the difference of having several options adapted for touch screens. At the interface level, it is very simple and minimalist, with an integrated applications menu to search for installed programs. This allows for greater fluidity and more autonomy if it is a laptop.

As its main tool in the Google Chrome browser, it goes from a desktop to being all connected to the Internet, although it is in a secure environment with Smart Lock. Everything is managed from the cloud, so the system moves web applications so you don’t have to install heavy programs on your computer. This requires a constant connection to a network to enjoy this speed when starting the computer and moving applications.

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One of the advantages is that you can install both programs from the Chrome Store, which are like browser extensions, or even Android apps from the Play Store. Everything you do is protected with an integrated antivirus or testing areas where you can put different programs.

Prerequisites to Install Chrome OS Flex on your PC

The surprise is that this Chrome OS Flex is designed to run on computers with Windows or macOS up to 13 years old, so you will not have much trouble moving this operating system. What you do have to keep in mind is the installation of it, which involves formatting the previous system to bring Chrome OS Flex to your PC.

For that, you need to create an installation USB, which in that case you need specific characteristics. Your PC must have Intel or AMD X86-64 architecture, a minimum of 4 GB of RAM, and 16 GB of internal storage. These are not very demanding requirements, but you should keep them in mind.

How to Download Chrome Flex OS on any Computer

Chrome OS Flex

Once you have that clear, it only remains to install Chrome OS Flex on your computer and give a new life to the interface. It is the best alternative to upgrading with Windows 11, although this process involves formatting the computer completely, so be sure to make a backup of all important data. Follow these steps to get this Google Chrome OS:

  1. Enter the Chrome OS Flex website to start with the download by clicking on Try Flex. You have to download this enterprise version, which is the only one available.
  2. Since it’s aimed at businesses, you’ll have to leave some personal information. It’s not too much in-depth information, it will simply ask you for your position in the company and the name of the company where you allegedly work. When you’re done, click on Try Flex again.
  3. It will take you to the Chrome Store where you need to download the Chromebook Recovery Tool. This is a required extension for Chrome OS.
  4. When you install it, open the extension and click Start to create a recovery media. You have to recognize your computer as a manufacturer and product by choosing Chrome OS Flex. When you are done, click Continue.
  5. In the next step, you have to choose the USB drive we mentioned earlier as the location to install the system launcher. This USB must have a minimum of 8 GB, which will serve you to install it later on your PC.
  6. On the next screen where a summary of the configuration is shown, click on Create now to start the process. When the progress bar finishes, you can use the pen drive for the installation.
  7. Launch the Chrome OS Flex launcher from the USB drive. Insert the flash drive when the computer is turned off and turn it on with a special key to choose which storage drive you are going to start the system with. Depending on the manufacturer, it may be the Escape key or some of the F function keys.
  8. When the computer boots up, simply choose the system and keyboard language. Then, you will go to the welcome screen and you can click on Start.
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Chrome OS Flex

The operating system is now ready to be installed on your computer. Do not worry if you see everywhere the name CloudReady, as it is the company bought by Google and in charge of installing Chrome OS. It is a name that will be corrected over time. With this USB drive, you can test the system before installing it on your computer for good, which is the most recommended option.

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