What are emoticons and smilies? See what ‘:)’ and more smilies mean

Emoticons and smilies – such as “:)” and “:(” – for example, generate questions among users through social networks and messengers such as WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram. On the Internet, besides expressing themselves with texts, people often use smiles and other emoticons to show how they are feeling. There are so many figures used that confusion can arise as to what each one means.

An emoticon is a result of the combination of emotion and icon. Emoticons represent states of mind and facial expressions in chats. To not be left without understanding your friends in the chat, Techidence shows what each one is. See what “:)”, “:(“, “;)” and more symbols mean.

Meaning of 🙂 and other symbols


Expressing joy and happiness is easy. For this, the most common characters are the colon and the parenthesis 🙂 or :], which forms a friendly smile. A broad smile is represented by the addition of an “x”, which represents closed eyes, and a capital “D”: xD. Do you wear glasses? You can represent it too. To do so, just use the letters “BD” together.

Meaning of 🙁 and other little faces


Since nobody is happy all the time, it is also possible to communicate sadness with some emoticons. As with happiness, the most common one is composed of a colon and parenthesis 🙁 or :[. Only, in this case, it is used on the opposite side. If you are crying, just add the ” ~ ” that represents tears :~(. Other options for “getting sad” on the web are: T_T, :’S and :>. If you desire to show a state of confusion, it can be represented by :?, :S, :-/ and :-|.

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Meaning of ;), <3, S2, and more symbols


In the virtual flirting game, points are awarded to the person who is the friendliest and most approachable. One way to show interest is by using the emoticon that represents a wink, “;)”. There are variations like ;] and (;). Kisses are represented with :* or :o*. If you get shy when approached or receive a compliment, use ‘.’. But if it’s something impressive, worthy of a ‘wow’, type *.*, or :O, to show surprise. The heart is usually an S2 or <3.

Meaning of \o/, 😛 and more symbols


Some emoticons express various states or reactions. By using \o/ or \õõ/ you show yourself happy and raise your arms, /o/ is a variant. To show your tongue, use :P, but sometimes this emoticon can be interpreted as a sign of bad manners or even irony. Variations with the tongue out include the other options =P, XP, xP and also ;P.

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