AMD announced the Ryzen 4000 laptop processors during CES 2020 in January. Aside from bringing chips with more cores and threads, the manufacturer promised high graphics performance on the chips, bringing more robust integrated solutions than what is offered by Intel on 10th generation CPUs. The components are now developed in the company’s 7nm Zen 2 architecture, which should mean a more balanced performance. Thus, the new Ryzen is expected to please not only those seeking productivity and low consumption but also advanced users. Check out more information on AMD’s processors below.
New architecture
The Ryzen 4000 is manufactured in 7 nm, which indicates a higher efficiency compared to AMD models available on the market today. The new Zen 2 architecture is not a new thing, as it was already present in the 3000 series processors for desktops. In the new generation, the manufacturer’s vision is to increase the cost-benefit ratio of the company’s chips, seeking to compete on a par with the new Intel CPUs for high-performance mobile devices.
More cores and threads
To have an Intel processor with many cores, the user needs to use the more expensive Core i5 and Core i7 options. For the new generation AMD, you can find hexacore components between the input chips, such as the Ryzen 5 4500U, with frequencies between 2.3 GHz and 4 GHz. Regarding high-performance CPUs, the Ryzen 7 4800H is worth mentioning, which comes with eight cores and 16 threads, 2.9 GHz base clock, and a 4.2 GHz Boost.
These numbers match the specifications of Intel’s Core i7 10710U, which comes with six cores and 12 threads, and speeds between 1.1 GHz and 4.7 GHz. It’s worth noting that most of AMD’s rival 10th generation processors are four-core and eight-threaded, varying between Core i5 and Core i7 options.
Energy saving
Another great advantage of AMD chips when using a more modern architecture is the lower consumption since the use of energy is more intelligent. This feature is very important for laptops since it can mean a longer autonomy time for computers. The U-segment of the new Ryzen 4000 should be ideal for users who need to leave their laptop on for a long time, while the H-line focuses on high performance and features higher TDP. In any case, the manufacturer’s push is for greater efficiency over Intel’s Ice Lake processors.
Enhanced Integrated Video
Integrated video is one of AMD’s greatest assets, as its chips are equipped with Vega GPUs, which offer higher performance compared to Intel’s HD Graphics. Nevertheless, it is worth mentioning that the rival’s 10th generation Ice Lake processors have an Iris Plus graphics solution, which also promises superior performance.
The Ryzen 4000 has even greater support for technologies such as HDR and can be used in higher resolutions such as 4K. The new line also promises better management of resources between GPU and CPU, enabling the platform’s full potential to be explored in a variety of scenarios.
H-line chips for high performance
During the presentation of AMD at CES 2020, the manufacturer highlighted the H series processors with a focus on high performance, among them the Ryzen 5 4600 H and Ryzen 7 4800H chips. The first has six cores and 12 threads, while the second is an eight-core, 16-threaded CPU. Both bring the new Vega cards, which promise advanced performance with 1,500 and 1,600 MHz frequency, respectively.
Lenovo’s Yoga Slim 7 Series is one of the first laptops to come to market with the new AMD processors. The model has 14 inches and should reach the market for values close to US$ 850.
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