The Ryzen 7 5800X is an eight-core, high-end performance processor from AMD’s Zen 3 architecture, suitable for demanding users and gamers. Launched in 2020, the octa-core is overclockable and can reach 4.7 GHz through the turbo, yielding about 19% more than a Ryzen 7 3000. Found easily in the market, AMD’s processor has prices starting from $420, which puts the unit in a higher portion of the market – fighting for space with Core i7 and i9 models from Intel in recent generations.
Below, Techidence explains the Ryzen datasheet in detail. Check out more information about the CPU and see if it is worth buying.
Ryzen 7 5800X Datasheet
Ryzen 7 5800X | |
Released Date | 2020 |
Speed | 3.8 to 4.7 GHz |
Number of cores/threads | 8/16 |
Cache memory | 32 MB in L3 |
Integrated graphics | No integrated graphics card |
TDP | 105W |
Architecture | 5nm Zen 3 |
Memory | Two channels of DDR4 at up to 3200 MHz |
PCI support | PCIe 4.0 |
Overclock | yes |
Socket | AM4 |
Price | $420 |
Ryzen 7 5800X Specifications
Released in 2020, the Ryzen 7 5800X is one of the main processors in the brand’s portfolio at the moment. With eight processing cores and 16 threads, the 5800X also offers 32 MB L3 cache memory, and AM4 platform compatibility.
AMD’s unit can reach 4.7 GHz via Turbo. The base speed of the processor is 3.8 GHz. As is common among Ryzens, the model also allows overclocking to improve these rates.
AMD chip performance
The Ryzen 7 5800X is among AMD’s high-end and offers competitive performance for more demanding consumers. According to PassMark’s CPU Benchmark numbers, the Ryzen has a score of 28,159 points, an average that is above some of its direct rivals in the market, such as the i7 11700K (which achieves 24,682) and the i9 11900K (25,500).
Broadly speaking, like other Ryzen processors, the 5800X excels at parallel processing, where applications access multiple cores and threads simultaneously to speed up the processing of more complex tasks. Examples of applications with this behavior are image and video editing apps, as well as games.
Ryzen 7 5800X Consumption
AMD calculates that the Ryzen 7 5800X needs to dissipate a total of 105 W of power when put to its maximum capabilities. Sold without a cooler in the box, AMD’s CPU is compatible with the brand’s Wraith fans, as well as AM4-compatible lines from various manufacturers.
Like every Ryzen released so far, the 5800X fits AM4 sockets. As this platform has been available for years on the market, finding motherboards of this type is quite simple. However, you need to be aware of the limitations of older models that may have some incompatibility with the more current Ryzen.
As there is great variety in the devices, the prices also fluctuate a lot.
Like almost every Ryzen processor, the 5800X allows the user to overclock – and who regulates the support for the practice in AMD’s platform is the type of motherboard. In addition to being able to interfere with the operating regime of the chip to extract more performance, the AMD processor has access to the brand’s technologies, such as StoreMl, to accelerate data access and recording on SSDs.
One important detail is that the processor does not have an integrated video card. Because of this, the user is required to provide an external dedicated graphics card in the PC to use the CPU.
Price of AMD Ryzen 7 5800X
At the moment, the Ryzen 7 5800X is available in the market at prices starting at $420. This is noticeably higher than the price of the Ryzen 7 5700, which is one step down in AMD’s current portfolio.
- Buy AMD Ryzen 7 5800X
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