Because we have all encountered that annoying error message when uploading photos on Instagram, this article provides 8 solutions to fix it and continue publishing our content. Some of them are obvious, but that’s precisely why we have to make sure that everything is in order with our mobile, our connection, our account, and the content of our images before publishing them.
Connection Problems
Sometimes connection problems are the cause of not being able to publish photos on Instagram normally. It is usually the most obvious, but if you are away from home and the coverage is not adequate or you are connected to a wifi network with a very weak signal, this can play against you.
Service Down
The worldwide downtime suffered by Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp recently remind us that it’s not always all our fault. The social network’s servers may be suffering from some kind of problem, weighing down its operation. When this scenario occurs, you can only be patient until the service is restored.
Wrong Image Format
Although it is much less frequent, you are likely uploading the wrong image format, especially if you work in the world of photography and editing. Only JPG and PNG files can be uploaded to Instagram, so if it won’t let you post it, the pictures are likely in some other extension that makes them incompatible.
The Size of the Image
The pictures you take with your phone camera do not usually offer any kind of problem, but if you want to publish a very high-resolution image that exceeds 30 MB, you will encounter a barrier since this is the maximum size for images that the application allows.
The Image Violates the Terms of Use
Users who try to post an image that contravenes the terms of use of the application will encounter a problem, as this social network has automatic filters that detect which images do not comply with its regulations. If you try to post images of nudity or explicit graphic violence, it is likely that you will not be able to upload them, so it is advisable to stick to the rules or you will put your account at risk.
Temporary Blocking, Disabling, or Banning
Related to the above, if your behavior repeatedly breaches these usage rules, Instagram will most likely mark your account with a temporary block, disable or ban. In these cases, there is little that can be done except to comply with the sanction period and try not to border the limits in the future (or create a new account, which is not always feasible if you already have many followers).
Too Many Hashtags
Those users who are eager to make their account gain traction in terms of the number of followers often include a high number of tags to make their photo findable. However, it should be remembered that Instagram allows a maximum of 30 hashtags per post, so you’ll need to re-count if you’re at 31 or more.
Spamming Prohibited
Following on from the above, it is common to encounter compulsive behavior when a user takes their first steps on the social network, quickly falling into spamming. The desire to publish a lot of content and very often makes Instagram detect that the pace is higher than recommended, so it can leave your account on hold for a few hours or a few days until you get over the desire to publish so much. Moderation is a virtue.
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