How to Choose a Laptop in 2023? See What to Look for in a New Model

Choosing a new laptop requires care and attention. It is important to pay attention to the specifications, trying to know the type of processor, its generation, and also if the storage is in HD or SSD, for example. Also, it is interesting to look for a product with recent technologies, such as Bluetooth 5.0, Wi-Fi 6, or even USB-C port features present in several models from brands such as Apple, Samsung, Dell, Lenovo, and Acer, among others.

It’s worth remembering that this kind of measure is even more important in laptops, since, unlike desktops, they often don’t allow future upgrades. Check out some tips that can help you buy a current laptop in 2023.

Newer Processors

11th Generation Intel Core

Not every laptop will be great because it comes with a Core i7 processor. There are several computers on the market for sale with sixth-generation chips, originally released by Intel in 2015. This means a slower CPU that uses more power to run, even compared to an eleventh-generation Core i3, released now in 2021, for example.

If you don’t want to delve too deeply into the differences between processors and their specifications, this notion of looking always for newer CPUs is already a great way out. After ensuring that the processor is the result of more recent architecture, you can pay attention to details such as processing speeds and several cores: in both cases, the more, the better.

For those who want to dig deeper into the details, it is important to avoid dual-core processors and look for units with four, or more. Also, it is interesting to give preference to chips with technologies such as Hyper-Threading (or SMT, in the case of Ryzen processors from AMD), which will allow more work lines in the machine.

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Go for an SSD


SSDs bring two major advantages compared to HDDs: the first is that they are much faster to read and write files, allowing you to load Windows 10 in a few seconds. Besides, they are tougher and don’t get damaged as easily, which leads to good durability.

The downside is that SSDs are more expensive and end up appearing in smaller capacity units in laptops for sale in the market. If you choose smaller storage, it is interesting to use the cloud, either Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive to balance the reduced size of the disk. Another alternative is to have an external HDD or SSD to complement the space.

At least 8GB of RAM


RAM is where the data and apps in use are stored, ready to be accessed by the system as soon as you need it. This is why having more memory is beneficial, as it will allow you to do more things at the same time – and faster.

With 8GB, you can have enough capacity to run the operating system and even more demanding applications without too much difficulty. If, however, you have your eye on games or video, image, and 3D editing work, for example, consider investing in options with 16 GB or more.

See if Upgrades are Possible

Laptops are not like desktops: you have a little leeway when it comes to upgrades, and generally, the settings at purchase are the same throughout the life of the computer. But some products allow you to increase internal storage and RAM.

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The idea of upgrading storage is simple. You can opt for a laptop with a 256GB SSD and after a while buy and install (on your own or with the help of a specialized technician) a larger capacity SSD. Some laptops are even more versatile and allow you to install two or three disks simultaneously to add storage capacities that rival desktops.

It should be noted that this will only be possible in laptops with SATA or M.2 (NVMe and/or SATA) slots available. After all, there are laptops with SSDs soldered onto the motherboard, such as Apple’s MacBooks, which make it impossible for the user to install more storage over time.

The principle is similar to RAM. You can buy a laptop with 8GB of capacity and in the future add another 8GB for a total of 16GB, for example. However, it is very important to keep an eye on the memory specifications of laptops on the market, as it is very common to see models that come with only one slot or even memory soldered onto the board.

Consider 16:10 Aspect Ratio Screens

Porsche Design Acer Book RS

16:10 screens are still not that common in the market, but the trend is becoming more popular. Laptops with this type of display have a higher proportion on the vertical axis and make better use of the product’s frontal space.

The result is a screen more suitable for use in laptops, allowing more information to fit in the same space that would be occupied by a 16:9 display with its borders.

Attention to Interfaces

Ports and Interfaces

It is important to pay attention to the ports and interfaces offered by the laptop. Nowadays, having at least one USB-C is important, as well as some kind of video interface – preferably HDMI – and wireless connections. Bluetooth 5.0 is the latest standard, as is Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax).

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Laptops may also come with SD-format memory card readers, which accept larger cards, and adapters for microSD. Besides, there are models with a MicroSD slot, which only allows the use of a microSD memory card.

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