Google Play Store: How to Update the Android App Store to the Latest Version

We are going to explain how to update the Google Play Store to the latest version so that if something new is implemented you can try to update the store manually to receive it. Normally, the Android app store is updated automatically, but you will also have this method to force that update.

The option to update the app store is a bit hidden, but we’ll show you step by step how to get to it. And along the way, you’ll also be able to see exactly what version of the Google Play Store you have, so that if you ever read that a particular version implements a particular feature, you can check to see if you already have it or not yet.

Update Google Play Store on your mobile

Play store menu

The first thing you have to do is to enter the Google Play Store on your Android mobile. Once inside, on the main screen press the ☰ menu button to open a side menu with options on the left side of the screen.

Play store settings

A side menu will open where you can see the many options available in the Google app store. In this menu, you have to click on the “Settings” option that appears with the gear icon⚙️, which is used to enter the Google Play settings.

Play store version

In the settings section, you will see a lot of options. Here, you have to scroll down quite a bit, and in the About section, you must click on the “Play Store Version” option. Just by looking at the option, you can see the exact version of the app store you have, but if you click on it you will also check for updates.

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Update playstore

If updates are available, when you click on Play Store Version you will get the message that “a new version will be downloaded and installed”. Here, you will have to click on “Got it” and wait. There may be or no process bar or indication of the update, so it is best to wait a few minutes and re-enter the Google Play Store.

Play store up to date

When there are no updates available you will get the “Google Play Store is up-to-date” message, which means no new versions have been found. You can do this check after an update in case you did not remember the version number you had, so you can see if it has finished updating or not.

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