Effective SEO Tips That Will Help Your Website Rank Higher

If you own a website built using a premium or cheapest website builder, you should understand that there’s more to a website’s success than just a good web design and a smooth browsing experience. In reality, that’s only a small portion of what you need to concern yourself with as a website owner. The majority of the time, you should be focused on your website’s SEO or search engine optimization.

SEO is and should be one of the things you need to learn about first if you are hoping to run your own website. Why is SEO important you ask?

The easiest way to understand SEO is that it’s the ranking factor that determines how high your website places on SERP or search engine result pages. This matters because studies have shown that people barely go beyond the first couple of links on Google – let alone beyond the first page.

The better your SEO, the higher you’ll rank on SERPs. The higher your rank is the better chances of engagement you have. The problem now is that SEO is a dynamic beast to tackle. What this means is that the algorithm that determines your rank on SERPs constantly changes.

As such, you should know the timeless tips to ensure that your website has effective SEO. Here are some things you will need to do.

Publish High-Quality Content Regularly

As they say on the internet, content is king. Aside from giving people more reason to visit your website regularly, good content is also the key to having great SEO. Using SEO, you can build your website’s authority and this alone helps it rank higher on SERPs as well.

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It’s one of the primary factors for great SEO. If you are having trouble publishing great content, at least try to do so on a schedule. Posting once at least every other day is already a good way to kickstart your website’s SEO. However, it’s obviously much better if you post content on a daily basis.

When it comes to good content, you need to make sure that what you post is also relevant to your website. Here are some qualities that your content should have:

  • Good content is not just informative or entertaining, it should also be at the right length. A good length for a text post is around 400-1000 words. Anything more or less can affect your website’s SEO.
  • If linking to another website, you should link only to reliable ones. A good measurement of this is checking out the website’s DA or Domain Authority. Ideally, you should only link to a website with a DA of 60 or above. There are many tools that help you measure the DA of a website easily.
  • Your content should also have a specific keyword or keyphrase. This will help it pop up on SERPs once people search for that specific keyword. It used to be that the keyword is only a few words long. However, updates to the algorithm have made phrases as effective as keywords as well. That being said, you need to think like a reader when picking a keyword. How would you search for your content online?
  • The content also needs to have high readability. This means using active voice in writing, having your sentences not surpass 20, and making sure that your paragraphs aren’t too long.
  • Always add supporting media to your content. This could be videos or even a photo to help break the chunks of text. If posting a photo along with the content, make use of alt text which is essentially the descriptions of your photos.
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Pick the Best Anchor Text

The anchor text is a word or phrase that you link another website to. It’s important that you pick your anchor text properly as this affects the SEO of your website as well. SEO dictates that your anchor text needs to be relevant to the content or website that you are going to link to.

It’s not easy picking an anchor text, especially considering that you have a ton of words in your content. If you’re having issues picking the anchor text, try using the original anchor text generator online. This helps you determine the best word or phrase that your link should be linked to.

Consider User Experience

User experience is also an important factor in SEO. This is affected by many factors such as the design of your website, the speed at which it loads, and whether or not it loads on various devices.

A lot of people forget that this is an important factor too. Make sure that your website is optimized for mobile and desktop devices. In fact, your website should have a dedicated mobile version so that everything loads properly.

User experience on mobile and pc

Constantly check your website if it runs properly on mobile and desktop devices. Make sure that your website’s visitors are getting a good experience every time they enter your pages.

The most important factor when it comes to user experience is the speed at which your website loads. In cases like these, you should try to avoid getting too fancy and showy with your website. Sometimes, simple designs are more than enough as they also keep your website running smoothly.

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Collaborate With Select Websites Only

The websites you link to and those that link to you are an important matter as well believe it or not. Google takes note of the authority links that you use. As such, it’s imperative that you only collaborate with websites that are trusted and established.

Improve Website Security

Your website’s security is very important. It doesn’t just affect your SEO, it can also improve the experience of your website visitors as well. The moment they step into your website, they are under your responsibility. As such, it’s important that you protect your website from hackers and viruses as well.

Good SEO is the key difference between an engaging website and one that lacks a good following. It may seem complicated at first but once you get the hang of the algorithm, you can greatly improve your website’s visibility online. Aim for page one always as this helps your website become more visible and reliable.

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