OnePlus has launched Clipt, the first smartphone app to come out of its OneLab. The application, in a nutshell, allows us to synchronize the clipboard of an Android mobile with that of the computer (and vice versa) so that you can share files, texts, or links between both devices easily and simply.
It should be noted that although it has been developed by OnePlus, Clipt, in principle, should work on any Android mobile. To use it, it is only necessary to download Clipt from Google Play Store and, on the computer, the Google Chrome extension. The app uses our Google Drive storage for file sharing and has a system whose goal is to prevent it from filling up.
Copy on mobile, paste on PC
The operation of the application is very simple. Once you install Clipt on the mobile and the extension on Google Chrome, you simply need to log in with your Google account (to access Google Drive) and start sending content. Although it requests read and write permissions, Clipt can only download the files it has created, that is, it does not access the rest of the files that you may have stored in the Google cloud.
When you have the app configured and synchronized with the Google Chrome extension, you will simply have to select text from a web or app, click on “Copy”, lower the notification curtain and click on the button that will appear in the Clipt persistent notification. The content will be copied to the clipboard and, from Windows, you will be able to copy-paste the text.
To send images or files from the mobile to the computer, the process is similar. Just open the image or file in the gallery/file manager, click on “Share” and select “Clipt”. The file will be uploaded and Chrome will send you a notification when you can download it. When you click on it, the file will be downloaded as normally.
And from the computer to the mobile? It is also possible. On the computer, you have to select text (either in Chrome or in any program) and copy it. Once this is done, the clipboard will be synchronized automatically, so on the mobile, it will be enough to click on a blank space, click on “Paste” and ready, the text copied on the computer will be pasted on the mobile. To send images or files, you have to use the Google Chrome extension itself and upload the files directly from it.
And we said before that Clipt has a system to avoid ending up with our Google Drive storage, and is that the app retains the last ten files you have uploaded while deleting the old ones. By the way, it should be noted that if you install the Google Chrome extension will remain running in the background, something necessary for the clipboard is synchronized at all times.
For now, Clipt only works in Google Chrome and with Android phones. OnePlus claims to be working to make it compatible with other Chromium-based browsers and the app for iOS. In any case, what we have so far works surprisingly well. We will have to wait to see how it evolves.
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