

What is Reddit? See how it works and how to use the forum

Reddit is a free online forum that allows you to create posts and discussions on a variety...

Google allows you to make a digital ‘testament’ for your data; understand how it works

Google allows you to choose a person who can have access to your data if your account...

Twitter is the most toxic social network on the Internet, says study; see ranking

The most toxic social network on the Internet is Twitter. At least that's what a study was...

Is Tor Browser Safe? Understand how the private browser works

Tor Browser is a free anonymous browser that allows you to surf the Internet without leaving any...

What is disappearing messaging in WhatsApp? Learn all about it

The WhatsApp disappearing messages, a feature available for Android phones and iPhone (iOS), were launched in 2021...

DuckDuckgo Email Protection: Email privacy service and Use @duck.com address

DuckDuckGo not only has under its orbit an alternative search engine and a web browser that promises...

DuckDuckGo: 6 reasons to switch from Google to a rival search engine

DuckDuckGo is a rival search engine to Google that offers users more privacy. Created in 2008, the...

Shodan: what is it and what can this Internet-connected device browser be used for

We are going to explain what Shodan is and what it can be used for, a search...

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