6 React Web Developer Skills

React is the ideal front-end library today. As a result, many businesses consider React to be an important talent. Facebook’s popular JavaScript Library requires to React developers to level up or audit their abilities.

Test your knowledge of these 6 crucial React abilities.


HTML and CSS are well-known to front-end devs. Every company needs the capacity to create user interfaces. React developers should be able to:

  • Write semantic HTML tags
  • CSS selectors: use and write
  • Reset CSS
  • Defining the box model and resetting it
  • Flexbox 101
  • Apply responsive web design concepts, including media queries.

2. JSX

React never touches HTML. You work with JSX, a great syntactic extension in the React ecosystem. JSX is HTML-flavored JavaScript. The wonderful thing about JSX is that it works like HTML and CSS.

JSX is a wrapper over React.createElement(). The API would be too complex to use in terms of scalability, which is why it is crucial to the library and why the React team picked it. Using React.createElement() to generate a full app is possible, but not as efficient as using HTML. Adding Markup to our template logic may seem like a step backward at first, but after a few minutes using JSX, you’ll be hooked on the style.

3. JavaScript Plus ES6

You need to know ES6 to rock React, but you also need to know JavaScript fundamentals.


It’s vital to know when and where to get data. Variables are a JavaScript feature that enable us to store data in memory and retrieve it later in our apps.

  • Object-array
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React provides a paradigm where your view is a state function. That’s v = f(s), which you should remember while you review library basics.

  • Methods for dealing with arrays

It’s one thing to store data in arrays and objects and access it. It’s another to appropriately alter the data. The built-in JavaScript array methods are a developer’s must-have. Concentrate on.map,.filter, and.reduce.

  • Functions and arrows

Every component in React is a function in some sense. Remember that ‘classes’ are really constructor functions. Whether you call them functional or class components, they all use some type of function.

  • Manipulation of DOM and events

Manipulating DOM elements in React is unusual. Remember, we have the JSX abstraction now. The native event object from DOM modification in React is wrapped up in the SyntheticEvent. Make sure you can connect events like onclicks, onchange, and mouseenter to HTML elements.

  • The term “this”

The ‘this’ keyword is often overused in JavaScript. Consider ‘this’ as a pointer. For example, you may use the ‘this’ keyword to refer to an object without naming it.

  • Advanced and callback functions

The input/output paradigm of functional programming is based on the concept that functions may be passed around as arguments.

  • Object inheritance and prototyping

In many ways, React lends itself to functional programming. But you work in the domain of classes and so object creation. If you understand how the prototype chain works in JavaScript, you understand how inheritance works in JavaScript. JavaScript has no conventional classes. It’s basically syntactic sugar on top of the object prototype chain.

  • The term ‘class’ is an important one.
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JavaScript’s classes aren’t the same as conventional classes. Formal JavaScript logic and even components (styles) are created as classes. Components are the building blocks of every React application, and there are only two ways to write them: as a function or as a class.

4. Git Every developer needs Git to store projects on GitHub, Bitbucket, and GitLab. Among the daily skills you should have are:

  • Adding, committing, pushing, and pulling
  • Branches and mergers
  • Consolidation issues

5. A combination of Node and npm

Node may surprise some. Why would a client-side React developer need to know Node? While you may use React in any HTML page, there are many more packages available to augment React.

The npm registry is essential knowledge for React developers. Software developers may go here to obtain software to help them create software. That’s all npm is: a cloud for packages we call dependencies.

  • Comparison of Yarn and Node.js

Yarn is a package manager that uses the npm registry. Yarn improves npm workflows. The Node/npm ecosystem accepts Yarn as a solution to many of the issues that it accepts. npm has been following Yarn’s patterns and practices.

6. Redux

Hot topic alert: React has state management. Many developers have been stung by the asynchronous nature of state changes and how React handles them. Redux was created for this and scalability. Redux is a state management tool. It’s not a framework, but an approach to data. Redux is based on functional programming and immutability, but it is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Prior to getting into Redux, it’s important to master React’s basic ideas.

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