5 Tips To Prevent Your Laptop From Overheating

There are no summer days left, but the heat is still present. Remote work has had the spotlight on this summer day marked by COVID-19 and this has accentuated the abuse of different technological equipment, but the one we are concerned about is the laptops. It would be idyllic to think that all homes have air conditioning -I don’t- and that they have computers tailored to their professional needs. Most of them have had to force their machines to the maximum and with this, they have generated heat, something that is not recommended at all. If you are familiar with all this, keep reading, because I am going to give you 5 tips to avoid your laptop getting overheated when you use it.

Before we get down to business, it’s time to talk about the benefits of keeping our laptops from getting overheated. The main benefit is that we extend the life of our computer, by maintaining a constant temperature between the limits set by the manufacturer we get to extend the time we can use this laptop.

Besides, by avoiding this situation we will have a laptop whose performance is the same as the first time we take it out of the box. Yes, heat causes performance loss. It can be something mild and we may not realize it, but there can also be slow-downs and even reboots. An excess of heat in our laptop can cause the sudden death of some of its components. This will mean having to take it in for repair in the best-case scenario because if for example, it is the processor that dies, there will be nothing to do. So keep an eye on these tips to prevent your laptop from overheating when you use it.

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Put Your Laptop on a Flat Surface

Put Your Laptop on a Flat Surface

It’s hard to believe that I have to stress this, but working with your laptop on your bed or couch is a disaster. This happens because these surfaces, not being rigid, adapt to the shape of the laptop and obstruct the vents. What happens if these vents get obstructed? Well, cold air does not circulate to the laptop components and therefore they do not get cooled. This generates excessive heat in the laptop components and can be one of the main causes of heat. Whenever possible, work on flat surfaces. Also, air inlets and outlets should never be obstructed. If you have a small space, try to make enough space for the air outlet to disperse. To improve the circulation of cold air you can buy a cooling base.

Configure the performance According to What You are Doing

Yes, having your laptop at its best at all times is perfectly valid. But it’s not something we recommend, many times we don’t need all the power because we are consulting documents or surfing the Internet. To control this easily, you have to do is go to the lower bar of Windows, click on the battery icon, and see the options it shows. It is normal to have it in the middle since with that mode it is capable of performing basic tasks to somewhat more complex tasks.

If you are one of those who use the laptop to work with text editors, web browsers, and little else, having the power-saving mode is more than enough for you to perform those tasks. Although if you want to configure this section in more detail, what you can do is open the Power Options, once there, you will have to look for Processor Power Management, within this menu you will enter Maximum Processor Status.

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In this window change the percentage of the battery and alternating current, it is important that you do not move these parameters arbitrarily, my advice is that you put 80% but you can play with figures between 70% and 90%

Don’t Be Afraid of the Noise, Put the Fans to Work

Laptop fans

Laptops have fans and these are there to prevent the laptop from overheating. Don’t be afraid of them, if your laptop has control software for these elements, the most logical thing to do is to configure them so that they turn on when the processor reaches 50º. Don’t wait until the computer is warmer, it is always better to have a minimum of noise than to have the processor fried.

For people who do not have control software included in their laptops, you can try to enter the bios and change the parameters from there. The best way to enter is to go to the manufacturer’s website and find out how to do it, although normally pressing ESC before the computer turns on is enough. In the worst case, you have access to programs like SpeedFan with which you can configure the speeds of the fans.

Control the Programs Starting Up

When we start our laptop many programs make an appearance, some are indispensable and others like Spotify, for example, have the unhealthy habit of appearing every time we press the power button. It may sound silly, but you have to have some control over the number of programs you have open, as they are an extra load on components such as processor, RAM, SSD, and graphics (in some cases). By making all the components work, they raise their temperature and result in a roasted laptop instead of a rather fresh one.

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My advice is to disable all automatic starts and take a look at the task manager to see which programs are always behind and consuming resources without permission.

If your Laptop Has A Removable Battery, Take It Out

Charging a laptop generates heat, something that with current models we cannot avoid to a great extent, but they also have better transformers. The advice is that, if you have a computer with a removable battery, the best thing is that when you use it when connected to the current, it is off. This way you will not degrade the battery, it will not be in a continuous cycle of charging and discharging, so its health will be good and it will last a few more years. Although the important thing is the heat and this is generated in the battery, it ends up being transmitted to the chassis of the equipment and therefore to the rest of the components.

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