26 ChatGPT-based Projects: AI alternatives to create texts, websites, role-playing games, and more

We bring you a collection of 26 AI projects based on ChatGPT, which have been designed and trained to fulfill specific functions. ChatGPT is one of the artificial intelligence systems of the moment and can make requests in natural language. It responds by giving you information, creating songs, making summaries, and so on.

These projects use the same type of artificial intelligence but have been trained for specific functions. They range from assistants that help you improve your writing or write for you after learning the way you express yourself, to others that help you create role-playing games or virtual characters to interact with.

Here, we have put our collection of proposals, but we are aware that there are many more. We invite you to share with everyone else in the comments section if you know of any other notable, interesting, or fun one.



Let’s start with an AI system you can easily create SQL queries that are efficient and error-free. It’s an interesting experience for engineers and non-engineers alike since you don’t need to know anything about SQL, you simply tell it what you want to create and it generates it for you.

AI Dungeon

AI Dungeon

A very curious and interesting project. It is about role-playing adventures created by artificial intelligence, in which you choose one of the universes created or one of the scenarios, and you talk to the AI to develop the scene. The possibilities are almost endless.

You also have a quick start where you can choose all kinds of settings and themes, from fantasy to zombies, through cyberpunk. In each type, you can choose your character type, and the name and the AI will generate the scenario and the game for you. When interacting you will be able to undo or redo choices or try again if you lose the game.



This is an AI-powered conversational search engine that uses a chat interface to answer your questions easily. It can also search for information for you, all without ads and without exposing your privacy, and it’s free for everyone.

This system uses language models and generative AI combined with real-time data to generate answers to questions or to summarize or explain information by combining various sources. It is a kind of meeting between ChatGPT and Google.



This is a page where you can create chatbots using AI, and interact with those created by other users, ranging from Bowser to Elon Musk. Each character will create responses out of thin air to your conversations depending on the parameters with which it has been created.

Copy Creator

Copy Creator

This is a writing assistant to develop all kinds of ideas for creating content. They can be written content ideas, ideas for podcasts, ideas for digital courses, social networks, or membership pages, in addition to many others.

Once you choose the type of content you want to generate, you will have to describe the type of idea you are looking for, and the topics and this AI will generate three different ideas.



We continue with one of the artificial intelligence that, from ChatGPT, has been designed to help you create all kinds of texts. Sometimes you face a blank page knowing what you want to write about, but without finding the right words to do it, and this AI will help you with it.

This AI system will help you create content for blogs, create product descriptions, social media content, and more. Simply choose what you want to do, describe what you need, context and instructions, and it will create the content for you in a matter of seconds.

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This is an AI for creating content focused on the business and eCommerce world. It allows you to create, launch and distribute marketing content at scale, being able to configure the type of message you want to send. It can be product descriptions on various platform types, strengthening keywords in the text to gain SEO rankings.

When configuring the message, you will have to provide data such as language, content type, variants, tone, or level of creativity, including keywords, company and product names, and the characteristics of what want to talk about.



It is a tool that allows you to create web pages or apps in a few seconds, and without needing to know how to program. All you have to do is choose the type of element you want to create and describe how it works, and Debuild will create the code for you.

Excel Formulator

Excel Formulator

This is an AI that creates Excel formulas for you. You simply write what you want to do, explaining the operation to be performed and mentioning the rows or columns involved, and this AI will generate the formula for you to copy and paste. Your explanation should be as descriptive as possible.

In addition to Excel, this system is also capable of designing formulas for Google Sheets or Airtable. All you need is to create a user account to start using it. When it comes to describing the operation, you will have to first choose the format for which you want the formula, and that’s it,



This is an artificial intelligence created to help you analyze academic papers. It is something like an explainer, an artificial intelligence able to read the content of a scientific or technical paper and summarize it in simple language so you can understand its content.

The only thing you will need to use this system is to register and upload the paper you want in PDF format. In addition to summarizing it for you, you will be talking to a bot you can ask questions related to the content of the paper so that it can explain well what you may not have understood.



Podcasts are living in a golden age these days, but not all of us have time to listen to them in their entirety. This is where this AI comes in, which summarizes the podcast content for you so you can get the main ideas of what they are explaining.

In this system, what you have to do is to enter the web and search for a podcast you want to follow and follow it. And then, from these podcasts you will be able to receive both the transcripts and the general ideas, processing the chapter you want.



This is an AI that helps you create code for your programming projects. You only have to tell it the type of code you want, and it will help you to do it. You do everything directly from the browser, so you don’t have to download or configure anything.

Gift Genie

Gift Genie

This is quite an original utility to take advantage of Chat GPT AI. It’s a wizard to help you find the ideal gift. You know, when you don’t know what to get a person, this gift genie will give you ideas.

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All you have to do is write a description of the recipient, saying their hobbies, interests, or the things they like and dislike. You also have to say your relationship, such as if it’s a partner, friend, co-worker, and so on. And that’s it, writing this will give you ideas.

GPT Hotline

GPT Hotline

This is a service to use ChatGPT in WhatsApp. It is a method to use this AI on mobile without relying on the browser or having to add it to favorites or install an application, you can interact with it directly from a WhatsApp chat.

It is a paid service, which requires a subscription of $10 per month, so it comes in handy only if you are going to take advantage of it. This subscription will allow you to receive up to 1000 messages with 75,000 words per month in your chat conversations.



This is a content-generation AI, which will help you create texts faster. It promises to help you create texts 10 times faster than if you were writing them on your own, from web content, blog posts, professional emails, or even personal letters.

To create the content, you first have to choose the type you want to create, and it will make suggestions. You can also put in a text you have written and translate it, or make modifications taking into account your way of writing. It can even create images with the ideas you have given it.



Laika is a writing assistant and a creative companion that helps you improve your texts. It can be used for several things, from continuing texts you start to simply improving your texts by removing boring parts to make them more creative.

This AI also allows you to add context to your characters in case you use it when writing a book or a story. It can also interpret characters. It is currently a beta AI, and you have to request access.



Another writing assistant designed to help you compose sales emails. It can be integrated with Gmail, Outlook, Outreach, or Salesloft, working as an installable browser extension.

This AI system has a free mode that analyzes 5 emails per month, and researches 5 people per month, with integration for Gmail and Outlook. For more, you will have to pay. What it allows you to do is to customize your texts in different ways so that they have more hooks and you get more responses.



This is another writing assistance system that specialized in the construction of stories. It will allow you to build unique stories, ranging from romance novels to thrillers and all kinds of adventures. It has a free mode, but to write long stories you will need to pay.

This system allows you to create human-like writing based on your own, allowing you to halfway compose a story. It will adapt to your style and your way of writing when it comes to following your stories.



This is a search engine based on Artificial Intelligence, something like a Google of ChatGPT. All you have to do is type in something you want to know about, and the system will return an answer.

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This answer is not a link to a web page, but it is directly the written answer to what you have asked it to know. The idea is that this system tries to always keep its database up to date so that the answers are up to date as well.



This is an assistant with which you can create e-mails in the work environment. All you have to do is tell the AI whom you want to send the email and what message and content you want it to contain, and it will generate it for you.

To give you good results, this AI system has been trained with public data from platforms like LinkedIn, SalesForce, and many more. In addition, it integrates with other third-party platforms as well.



Artificial intelligence applied to to-do lists, the to-do. It allows you to prioritize your tasks by telling you which ones are most urgent so you can start with them. It also has a focus mode with the tasks you have to do right now, and it also lets you share tasks with other people.



This is a writing assistant designed to help you develop stories using artificial intelligence. You can design plots, premises, and characters, and try to develop everything by telling the algorithm what you want to get out of it. It can help you when you get stuck, to know how your characters would react as you have created them.

It’s going to allow you to generate ideas for writing, analyze what might be missing in your writing, summarize texts you’ve done, or predict what should happen next based on what you want to express.

Tweet Mirror

Tweet Mirror

While Elon Musk goes on the hunt for bots on Twitter achieving the opposite effect, this tool allows you to create a bot that tweets as if it were you. The bot will write about your same interests by writing as if it were you, kind of like seeing a version of you in a parallel world.

Wrong Door

Wrong Door

This is an artificial intelligence-based game. A simple puzzle adventure in which you have to choose doors and guess the right one. Pretty simple, but good for killing time.



XP1 is a GPT-based wizard, to which you have to give access to the contents of your browser tabs. And then, from there, it allows you to interact with the content in them. It is used through a browser extension, and then you have to pay for the model and a dollar a month to use it as much as you want.

The idea is that this assistant can do some tasks for you to improve your productivity, whether it’s sending emails to whomever you tell it to with the type of content you prefer, summarizing documents, and so on.



And let’s finish by skipping the alphabetical order, but with an AI to master them all. As you have seen, there are many text generators and this can make it complicated for some professionals to know when the text is written by a real person.

What this AI system does is detect texts written by an Artificial Intelligence and thus know the originality of the content. In addition, it also serves to detect plagiarism, something useful in both cases for academia.

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