199 Commands to Master the Windows 10 Run Menu

Windows commands can help you perform certain tasks faster. In addition, knowing them well will allow you to access areas of the system that are usually hidden. Do you want to know which are the most popular commands? We show them to you in this article.

Before we show you the list of commands that you can use in Windows, we will briefly remind you how to execute them. You have two different methods:

Windows 10 Run
  • With the Run dialog. The fastest way to make the Run window appear is with the key combination “Windows + R”. In the text field, you must type the command and then press “Enter” to execute it. Some commands may require administrator privileges.
  • With the Windows search. Typing any of the commands in the search box on the taskbar has the same effect as the previous method. In this case, the command will be placed as the first result. Therefore, if you press Enter it will also be launched.

List of Windows 10 Commands

In the following table, you have up to 199 commands that you can execute with the method we have explained above. To make it easier for you to consult them, we have placed them in alphabetical order.

%AllUsersProfile%Program data directory
%AppData%Application data directory
%CommonProgramFiles%Common Files Directory
%HomeDrive%Home Directory. Most of the time it is C
%HomePath%Start path
%LogonServer%Network server path
%ProgramFiles%Program Files directory
%SystemDrive%System unit. Most of the time it is C
%SystemRoot%System root
%Temp%Temporary folder
%UserProfile%User profile
%WinDir%Windows Directory
appwiz.cplPrograms and characteristics
azman.mscAuthorization manager
bootimBoot options
c: (alternate method: \)Unit C
certmgr.mscCertificate manager
charmapCharacters map
chkdskCheck disk
cleanmgrDisk Cleanup
cliconfgClient Configuration Utility
cmdSymbol of the system
colorcplColor management
comexp.mscComponent Services
compCompare files command
compmgmt.mscComputer management
CompMgmtLauncherComputer management
computerdefaultsDefault apps
controlAll elements of the Control Panel
control access.cplAccessibility center
admintools controlManagement tools
control appwiz.cpl ,, 1Get programs
control appwiz.cpl ,, 2Windows features
control appwiz.cpl ,, 3Set program access and computer defaults
color controlPersonalization settings
desktop controlPersonalization settings
control foldersFile Explorer Options
control fontsSources
keyboard controlKeyboard Properties
mouse controlMouse Properties
control netconnectionsNetwork connections
control printersDevices and printers
control schedtasksTask scheduler
control userpasswords2Advanced User Control Panel
control.exe /name microsoft.TaskbarandStartMenuTaskbar Settings
control.exe /name Microsoft.TroubleshootingTroubleshoot setup issues
control.exe /name Microsoft.UserAccountsUser account
credwizWizard for stored usernames and passwords
cttuneClearType Text Tuner
dccwScreen color calibration
debugDebug folder
defragDefrag command
desk.cplDisplay settings
devicepairingwizardAdd a device
devmgmt.mscDevice administrator
dfrguiOptimize drives
dialerPhone dialer
diskmgmt.mscDisk management
diskpartDiskpart command
displayswitchProject Menu
dpapimigMigration of protected content
dpiscalingDisplay settings
drwatsonWindows debugger (not included in the latest versions)
dvdplayPlay DVD
dxdiagDirectX Diagnostic Tool
editEdit command
eudceditPrivate character editor
eventvwrEvents viewer
excel /safeExcel in safe mode
explorerFile Browser
filehistoryFile history
firewall.cplWindows Defender Firewall
flashplayerappFlash Player Settings Manager
fontsFonts folder
fontviewWindows font viewer
fsmgmt.mscShared folders
fsquirtBluetooth file transfer
ftpFTP command
fxscoverFax cover editor
gpedit.mscLocal Group Policy Editor
hdwwizAdd Hardware Wizard
hdwwiz.cplDevice administrator
iexploreInternet explorer
iexpressIexpress Assistant
inetcpl.cplInternet Properties
intl.cplRegion Settings
iscsicplMicrosoft iSCSC Initiator Configuration Tool
isoburnUsing the Windows Disc Image Burner
javawsJava web home
joy.cplGaming Devices
launchtmTask Manager
logoffLog out of the computer
lpksetupLanguage pack installer
lusrmgr.mscLocal users and groups
magnifyMagnifying glass
mailto:Open the default mail app
main.cplMouse Properties
main.cpl keyboardKeyboard Properties
mblctrWindows Mobility Center
mdschedWindows Memory Diagnostic Tool
migwizEasy Windows Transfer
mipMath input panel
mmcConsole root
mobsyncSync center
msaccessMicrosoft Access
msconfigSystem configuration utility
msdtDiagnostic wizard for troubleshooting
msinfo32System information
mspaintMicrosoft Paint
msraWindows remote assistance
mstscConnection to remote desktop
narratorNarrator settings
ncpa.cplNetwork connections
netplwizAdvanced User Account Control Panel
netstatView active connections at the command prompt
notepadmemo pad
nslookupRun NSLOOKUP command
odbcad32ODBC Data Source Administrator
odbcconfODBC configuration
optionalfeaturesWindows features
oskOn-screen keyboard
outlookMicrosoft Outlook
outlook /safeMicrosoft Outlook Safe Mode
perfmonPerformance monitor
perfmon /resResource and performance monitor
powercfg.cplEnergy options
powerpntMicrosoft PowerPoint
powerpoint /safeMicrosoft PowerPoint Safe Mode
powershellWindows PowerShell
powershell_iseWindows PowerShell ISE
presentationsettingsPresentation settings
printbrmuiPrinter migration
printmanagement.mscPrint management
printuiChange print settings
psrStep recorder
recdiscMicrosoft Windows Repair Disc
recoverydriveRecovery Media Creator
regeditRegistry Editor
regsvr32Microsoft log server
rekeywizFile encryption
rsop.mscResulting policy set
rstruiWindows system restore
sdcltWindows Backup
secpol.mscLocal security policy editor
shell:recyclebinfolderOpen the recycle bin
shrpubwShare creation wizard
shutdownTurn off the computer
sigverifFile signature verification
sluiWindows activation
sndvolVolume mixer
snippingtoolClipping tool
sysdm.cplChange computer settings
systempropertiesadvancedAdvanced system settings
systempropertiescomputernameChange computer settings
systempropertiesdataexecutionpreventionChange data execution prevention settings
systempropertieshardwareHardware configuration
systempropertiesperformancePerformance options
systempropertiesprotectionSystem protection settings
systempropertiesremoteRemote system configuration
systemresetSystem Reset for Windows
tabcalDigital calibration tool
tabletpc.cplPen and tap settings
tabtipSoft keyboard
taskmgrTask Manager
taskschd.mscTask scheduler
telephon.cplLocation information
timedate.cplDate and Time
tpm.mscTrusted platform module management
TpmInitManage TPM Security Hardware
useraccountcontrolsettingsUser account control
utilmanNarrator settings
verifierDriver Verifier Manager
wabmigImport to Windows Contacts
wbemtestWindows Management Instrumentation Tester
website addressOpen the URL entered in the default browser
wf.mscWindows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security
wfsWindows Fax and Scan
winhlp32Windows Help (not compatible with Windows 10)
winverAbout Windows
wmimgmt.mscWindows management instrumentation
wmplayerWindows Media Player
Word /safeWord safe mode
wscriptWindows script host configuration
wscui.cplSecurity and maintenance
wsresetWindows reset
wusaStandalone Windows Update Installer
xpsrchvwXPS viewer
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